Today's Headlines

Today's Headlines - 10 April 2024

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India has lost over 1,500 sq km of land to ‘catastrophic’ soil erosion

GS Paper III

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A new study has revealed a worrying trend for India’s soil health. Nearly 30% of the country’s landmass is experiencing “minor” soil erosion, while a critical 3% faces “catastrophic” topsoil loss.

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Annual land use and land cover atlas of India

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The National Remote Sensing Centre, Hyderabad has published a comprehensive assessment of annual land use and land cover.

India second highest in hepatitis B & C after China

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According to a WHO’s 2024 Global Hepatitis Report report, India has the second-highest cases of hepatitis B and C after China, with 3.5 crore cases in 2022.

The health sector can’t ignore telemedicine’s green gains

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A study by researchers at an eye institute, has found another advantage of telemedicine i.e. lower emissions.

South Asia Development Update Report

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According to the World Bank’s April South Asia Development Update report, India has moved fewer people to non-agriculture jobs than most neighbouring nations.

Ugadi or Gudi Padwa

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The first day of the Chaitra month of Hindu calendar is celebrated as the new year in different parts of the country.

World's most powerful MRI machine unveiled - Iseult Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machine

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The world's most powerful MRI scanner has produced its initial images of human brains, achieving an unprecedented level of precision expected to illuminate more about our enigmatic minds and the ailments that afflict them.

What a new 3-D map of the universe hints about the nature of dark energy?

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Scientists have known that our universe is expanding at an increasingly faster pace. They believed that 'dark energy' is causing this expansion, but little is known about it. This may change soon.

Strategic military infra upgrade in the works for Andaman & Nicobar Islands

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The Andaman and Nicobar (A & N) Islands are undergoing a significant upgrade in military infrastructure, including the modernization of airfields and jetties, enhancement of logistics and storage capacities, improvement in troop accommodations, and establishment of a strong surveillance system.

Candidates have a right to privacy from voters

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A voter’s right to know about election candidates is absolute, but it doesn’t require them to lay out their life threadbare for examination as they too are entitled to “privacy,” the Supreme Court.

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